21 Aug

When it comes to selecting the ideal flooring for your space, the decision often narrows down to two popular choices: Amongst the flood resistant materials include, laminated floor and tiles. Each option has the various advantages and the choice of either can dramatically transform the appearance of your house or workplace. Folks also select their preference that beautify their spaces' ambience together which includes paint, room type, size and their customized sofa sets.

For a better understanding of these two types of floors let us take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of both laminate flooring and tiles, and then compare between them based on the criteria of durability, cost, installation, and maintenance, and lastly, looks.  

Durability: Who is Right, Again?

Laminate Flooring

Laminate is constructed from high density fiber board with an image embedded into it that gives it the look of hardwood, stone or any other material that you desire. Some of the draw of this technology is that it is very hard, or won’t scratch, dent, or stain easily. Laminate, therefore, has one major disadvantage in that it can easily be damaged by water and this means that it is not very suitable for use in rooms such as bathrooms and kitchens where water contact is frequent. Laminate floors can also undergo certain wear after some time of usage especially on those areas that experience a lot of traffic.


All those tiles, whether they are ceramic, porcelain or natural stone are very durable. It is highly resistant to moisture and hence it is ideal for placing in the kitchen, the bathroom and outside areas. Tiles are also hard wearing when it comes to scratch and stain and if they are well cared for, they can serve a building for up to 30 years. Nonetheless, they can chip when an object is dropped on them, and it can be quite a jog to replace a single tile.


Tiles. Taking into consideration durability and water resistance tiles are the more preferable choice for long term flooring. 

Cost: What Do You Prefer To Get?

Laminate Flooring

Laminate floor is usually cheaper than tile floor in the price of the floor and the price of installation. It is an economic proposition for homeowners and businesses in which they could accomplish a chic appearance without having to spend too much. Moreover, laminate imitates more costly types of floors such as hardwood and so gives a luxury feel at a cheaper cost.


Costs can also differ considerably with the choice of material and type of tiles to be used. Overall, ceramic tiles are cheaper as compared to porcelain, natural stone tiles are quite expensive. Cost of installations for tiles is also usually high, this is because it requires time and effort to lay down a tile and grout the floor. 


Laminate Flooring. When it comes to the ability to save money for further spending or another, more important purchase, laminate flooring costs less than a hardwood one.

Installation: Which Is Easy to Install?

Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring also come with easy to install feature that is why it is widely use. This means that most laminate products have click and lock system of installation and thus can be done by anyone. This floating floor system can can be directly placed over the current floor coverings devoid of nails and glue; it’s therefore an efficient option for most homeowners.


Ceramic tile cost more to install because it needs more skill to lay and takes more time to do. It comprises placing tiles, affixing them using mortar, cutting tiles to make them fit, placing the grout and sealing the coating of the tiles. Since tiling is quite technical, it is advised that one carries out the work, with the help of experts, this also contributes to the cost and time aspect.


Laminate Flooring. This makes its use ideal for those doing the work by themselves or anyone attempting a ‘do-it-yourself’ project.

Maintenance: And Which One is Easier to Take Care?

Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring is not very difficult to care for. This base is reasonably easy to clean, requiring only sweeping or vacuuming on a regular basis and perhaps intermittent use of damp mopping as necessary. Nonetheless, it is necessary to remember that laminate is not completely water-resistant, so should not be washed with a lot of water. Any spilt liquid should be mopped or wiped immediately to avoid any incidence of damage.


Tiles are also very simple to clean, though they cannot compare to laminate’s performance when it comes to water. I recommend that tiles should be swept and mopped using water and a mild detergent so as to maintain the glow. The interstitial spaces may need more care as they may get a dirty look over a period of time, but the only solution is sealing of the grout.


Tiles. Teak is less sensitive to moisture and hence easier to maintain in areas that are surrounded by water and in conditions that may expose the floor to water, for instance, they are more tolerant to spillage and can be cleaned more often without being affected.   

Aesthetics: Which has more flexibility as regards appearance and design?

Laminate Flooring

Laminate floors are produced in many designs, colours and patterns and finding your preferred one will not be a problem. It copies the appearance of hardwood, stone or tile and provide the look that you desire but at a fraction of the cost of the real thing. With laminate the options are by no means limited but simulated timber or even stone can never emulate the natural effect of actual material.


Flooring tiles, for example, can be of infinite designs, from ceramics’ conventional pattern to the rich marble look. Tiles can complement any type of interior design – whether it is an idealistic way of an innovative modern design or a classic design. Tiles also second most of the chances to employ random color combinations, carved and matte design and therefore offer more freedom in designing space interiors.


Tiles. They are available in a wide range of designs and can provide patterns that are not available in other flooring types and this makes them perfect for people who want to express themselves with the floors that they have in their houses.

Which One is Right for You?

The two approaches have major differences, and it is therefore easier to compare them and determine the most appropriate one for any given case.  Comparing laminate flooring to tiles, one can come to the conclusion that the final decision would have to be made based on personal and practical requirements, as well as the amount of money, which is going to be spent and the purpose of the space, which is going to be covered with the selected kind of flooring. Laminate flooring is suitable for the dry spaces: living rooms and bedrooms in particular – for it is cheap and relatively easy to install. However, they may lack some of the qualities that tiles possess, such as durability and moisture resistance; they can be easily designed and installed; the latter is particularly suitable for zones such as the kitchen, the bathroom or the office.

Interior designers should therefore figure out a way to combine both types of flooring in relation to the rest of the designing theme. For instance if you are choosing Office Interior Designers in Delhi or finally settle for your customized sofa set in your living room, the right flooring choice will take it up a notch.  

By weighing the pros and cons of laminate flooring and tiles, you can choose the flooring that best suits your needs, ensuring a stylish and functional space for years to come.

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